Does your company organize Gala Dinners? If so, on a scale
of 1 to 10 how stressful is it for those doing the organizing and
If you have sponsors booking tables, it's even worse, isn’t
it? Making sure the right person is sitting in the right place and getting
served the right food is a bit like driving a car blind-folded with someone in
the back seat giving directions.
So what might your perfect stress-free Gala Dinner solution
look like? How about this?
Sponsors book one or more tables, company
representatives book several seats, individual attendees book a single seat
Payment is taken online or invoices are issued
Everyone who books one or more seats and/or
tables is wholly responsible for who sits on their seat(s) as well as their
dietary requirements
Table sponsors have the additional benefit of
being able to arrange the seating around their table
The event organizer can place any unassigned
persons booked by company representatives or individuals to empty spaces at
Just before the Gala Dinner, the event organizer
prints seating plans and presses a button to send notification by email or SMS
to all attendees telling them where they are sitting.
Like it? Want one? Then call us.